Links to help protect yourself or your business

Are wondering what you should know about your home or small business cyber security? Need a Checklist to help you figure out your level of security? We would like to help you out. We put together a list of items you should look at to determine your level of security. This list will walk you through just about everything you should be looking at. This list covers a lot of information.

Stay Safe Online
The National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) builds strong public/private partnerships to create and implement broad-reaching education and awareness efforts to empower users at home, work and school with the information they need to keep themselves, their organizations, their systems and their sensitive information safe and secure online and encourage a culture of cybersecurity.
This is an excellent resource with a lot of information to help you practice good cyber security

This site focuses on the security of routers. Period. If you are interested in faster WiFi, look elsewhere. And, to be clear, this site is about ROUTER security, not ROUTING security. There is nothing here about MANRS (Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security).

This is a list of both things to be aware of and specific defensive steps that we can take in response to the common threats of 2019. No list like this can ever be complete, nor would anyone want it to be complete as that list would never end. I tried to limit this to the most important issues, still its long (25,000 words)

During National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM), the following tip sheets and resources are invaluable tools for reducing cybersecurity risks and protecting yourself online. Use these resources in your communities and share them with your stakeholders throughout the year to encourage strong, nationwide cybersecurity. These materials are free and may be modified to meet your needs.

Internet-connected devices are helping businesses increase efficiency, reduce costs, conserve energy anda whole host of other benefits. However, with all of these benefits come risks to privacy and security.Remember that every new internet-connected device you use is another entry point for a cyber criminal.NCSA recommends businesses connect with caution, and take steps to secure these devices.

Basic Computer Security: How to Protect Yourself from Viruses, Hackers and Thieves.
People often think of computer security as something technical and complicated. And when you get into the nitty-gritty, it can be—but the most important stuff is actually very simple. Here are the basic, important things you should do to make yourself safer online.

NIST Small Business Cybersecurity Corner
The vast majority of smaller businesses rely on information technology to run their businesses and to store, process, and transmit information. Protecting this information from unauthorized disclosure, modification, use, or deletion is essential for those companies and their customers.
With limited resources and budgets, these companies need cybersecurity guidance, solutions, and training that is practical, actionable, and enables them to cost-effectively address and manage their cybersecurity risks. This NIST Small Business Cybersecurity Corner puts these key resources in one place.

What’s the Best Way to Back Up My Computer?
Everyone loses data at some point in their lives. Your computer’s hard drive could fail tomorrow, ransomware could hold your files hostage, or a software bug could delete your important files. If you’re not regularly backing up your computer, you could lose those files forever. Backups don’t have to be hard or confusing, though. You’ve probably heard about countless different backup methods, but which one is right for you? And what files do you really need to back up?

Visit WICTRA On YouTube. On our YouTube page you’ll find videos on how keep yourself or business safe from Cyber crime. You’ll also find links to webinars that can enhance your knowledge base of Cyber Security.

BBB offers online safety tips for National Cyber Security Awareness Month
The Internet has become a significant part of our everyday lives, allowing us to work, socialize and shop online. Unfortunately, cybercriminals also benefit from that same convenience and accessibility. That’s why the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) team up each October for National Cyber Security Awareness Month. This year’s theme is “Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart,” which emphasizes the importance of individuals taking steps to protect themselves online.

Don’t be a victim; cyber criminals may leverage your home network to gain access to personal, private, and confidential information. Help protect yourself and your family by observing some basic guidelines and implementing the following mitigations on your home network.

Here is a PowerPoint presentation that can be used to help protect yourself from Cyber criminals. Are you concerned about your home network? Are you concerned about your small business and it’s protection from Cyber criminals? This general guidance is designed to get you thinking about the things you do everyday. Are you ensuring that you’re doing everything you can to protect yourself?