We are located and remain focused on the State of Wisconsin. In addition, we maintain business relationships regionally and at the National Level. Our ISAO is membership driven, and members represent a broad cross-section of Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources (Private/Public sectors, and Private Individuals). We adhere to the identified values and differential approach that a true ISAO offers. We are a private non-profit (501c3) organization delivering game changing information, services, and training to our members.
Our members enjoy an array of services and information products tailored to the needs of the defenders of networks, intellectual property, SCADA, Internet Control Systems (ICS), cloud computing, and financial institutions.
Our members remain anonymous unless they choose to identify themselves.
WICTRA is a Charter Member of The Arizona Cyber Warfare Range (AZCWR) and the International Association of Certified ISAOs (IACI).
Benefits of Membership
Threat Intelligence
- Improves your defensive posture thru collaboration, feeds and other means.
- Helps you mitigate risk and vulnerabilities more efficiently and effectively
- Helps you identify hostile activity and breaches quickly with both historical and real-time data
- Engages you with our collaborative defenses as a member of our large ISAO organization
Education and Training
- Access to our next generation cyber exercises. A members-only benefit.
- Rapidly get up to speed in cybersecurity concepts, best practices, and standard operating procedures (SOPs)
- Helps you maintain your knowledge with real-time industry news, activities, training, and collaboration amongst our members
- Save time and money by utilizing curated materials maintained by skilled cybersecurity leaders
Reference Materials
- A central source for unique and difficult to find information and data
- Grants you access to utilize our up-to-date reference materials maintained automatically and in real-time
- Help you to empower your team with collaboration, enriched by automated updates
Individual Memberships (Standard and Student levels)
- For those entering the workforce, independent operators, or those in transition between corporate members, our individual memberships are for you.
- Individual memberships are an affordable entry point and offer easy continuity for those who do not wish to lose access to our members-only benefits through job transitions, mergers, or independent consultancy.
ISAO’s are communities based on trust. This means each member and their organization is individually accountable for their actions, behavior (past and present), and their discretion. The WICTRA ISAO reserves the right to terminate memberships at any time. We will strenuously ensure the integrity, confidentiality, and viability of our ISAO.
How to become a member of the WICTRA ISAO: Contact the team using the link below.